Monday, January 18, 2010

Im back

Fear not I have returned.

Ok so here's a little suggestion. When you take a ski trip with your family to the mountains of North Carolina, do not expect to have any internet. I went with the intention of catching up on everything that I missed on Friday and such, and surprise surprise--- no internet in our cabin. So as you might guess Mrs. Moon, I am a little behind and unsure about what is going on tomorrow and what I missed. Obviously Hamlet..... do I just need to read Act III or should I read Act IV as well? As far as my A.P. Essay, since I was not there Friday, do you want me to bring a "slightly" corrected essay to class tomorrow? If so, what exactly is "slightly corrected?" Because I see the comments you made and immediately want to address all of the issues, but this would no doubt require me to rewrite a good portion of my essay.... HMMMMMM... Confusion, Confusion, Confusion. Any Suggestions or comments?


Mrs. Moon said...

Glad you're back.

1. Look at the post with questions and answers about the AP exam. You'll need to know all the answers for a quiz tomorrow.

2. Read through scene 5 of Act IV of Hamlet. We got a study guide, but you can get that tomorrow.

3. Yes, bring your corrected essay. We did peer editing and then I looked over them again. So, bring in a clean, corrected copy.

4. Tomorrow we are finishing Act IV and will be watching the Hamlet movie!!

Confucious said...

Hey k-pev, you don't have to write an essay every time you comment on the blog. Just sayin.....

Kathryn said...

thanks ANess, ill keep it in mind